
Indonesian Journal of Library and Information Science  (IJLIS) contains articles written from research and study reports on Information and Library Science. Indonesian Journal of Library and Information Science is published twice annually (June and December) by the journal editors from the Library Science Study Program Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

This journal is focused on the study of library and information sciences. The coverage include both review articles as well as research articles in those fields. Subjects coverd in this journal include:

  • Library management. The control and supervision of a library or library system, including planning, budgeting, policymaking, personnel management, public relations, and program assessment, with responsibility for results.
  • Information Services. Generally information services can be divided into two categories: library public user services and library technical user services. Library public user services refer to circulation, bibliographic instructions, distance learning, government documentation, reference and special collection. Library information user services focuses on procedures and operations of maintaining, developing and supporting library collection and services behind the scene such as acquisition, cataloguing, classification, inter library loan, document delivery and serial systems.
  • Media and Information literacy. Constitutes a composite set of knowledge, skills, attitudes, competencies and practices that allow effectively access, analyze, critically evaluate, interpret, use, create and disseminate information and media products with the use of existing means and tools on a creative, legal and ethical basis
  • Knowledge Management. Process of creating (generating, capturing), storing (preserving, organizing, integrating), sharing (communicating), applying (implementing), and reusing (transforming) organisational knowledge to enable an organisation 5 to achieve its goals and objectives. 
  • Organization of Information. Information organization establishes the conceptual framework for organizing and retrieving information, including the study of systems and their purposes and structures, formats, standards, and vocabularies.
  • Infometrics. The use of mathematical and statistical methods in research related to libraries, documentation, and information.
  • Digital Library and Repositories. A library in which a significant proportion of the resources are available in machine-readable format, accessible by means of computers. The physical space (building, room, area) reserved for the permanent or intermediate storage of archival materials. To preserve and protect archival collections, modern repositories are equipped to meet current standards of environmental control and security.
  • ICT in Library. Information and communication technologies (ICT) facilitate the process of identification, collection, storing, processing and disseminating of information in libraries/information centers/information institute.