Introducing Virtual Reality-based Virtual Laboratory for Electrical Engineering Education


  • Sri Safiatuddin Uin ar-raniry
  • Akbarul Kautsar Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah UIN Ar-Raniry


virtual reality-based virtual labs; electrical engineering majors; learning outcomes


The development of learning media has become an up-to-date issue in electrical engineering education. It involves analyzing virtual reality-based virtual labs for the Electrical Engineering Education Studies program aimed at facilitating the demand of the 4.0 era. Indeed, practicing 21st century skills focuses on ICT in education. Research Methodology used is a quantitative approach, and experimental research is used with the onegrouppretest-posttest design scheme. Implementation of creative thinking skills tests for pretest and posttest questions consisting of ten dual-choice questions according to high-level thinking skills criteria then tested Content Validity Index. In conclusion, the virtual reality-based virtual laboratory for the Electrical Engineering Education Study Program has a significant influence on student learning outcomes. In addition, it can upgrade the virtual reality based virtual laboratory for the major Electrical Engineering Education rating of 1.6 in the medium category.





