
  • Ahmad Abas Musofa UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu
  • Wahyu Iryana UIN Raden Intan Lampung
  • MB Mustofa UIN Raden Intan Lampung
  • Refileli UIN Fatmawati Sukarno
  • Arum Puspitasari UIN Fatmawati Sukarno


Activity, Arabic, Yemeni, Purwakarta


Literary Notes The Existence of the Yemeni Arab Village is a community of people of Yemeni Arab descent located at Pasar Rebo Purwakarta which is located in Nagri Kidul Village. The existence of people of Yemeni Arab descent existed before the 19th century, precisely in the 20th century, Yemeni Arab migration increased to Indonesia. After the arrival of these Yemeni Arab descendants to Purwakarta, they opened a village and they began to develop in Purwakarta, apart from trade, they also carried out Islamic syi'ar and fostered the Yemeni Arabs through marriage with other indigenous people from Pasar Rebo. Purwakarta. Then Arab descendants began to develop in Pasar Rebo Purwakarta and began to mingle with the native population. The aim of this research is to determine the history and contribution of people of Yemeni Arab descent in Pasar Rebo Purwakarta in the 20th to 21st centuries. This research uses historical research methods through four stages, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. The research results show that residents of Yemeni Arab descent have existed since 1900 at Pasar Rebo, Purwakarta. The contributions of Yemeni Arab citizens include the fields of da'wah, economics and education. The missionary sector of Yemeni Arab citizens built the Ar-Raudlah mosque or known as the Arab mosque and held recitations on Wednesday nights. In the economic sector, residents of Yemeni Arab descent established a market called Pasar Rebo. Pasar Rebo has become a source of life for the residents of Pasar Rebo itself, both outside Pasar Rebo residents. In the field of education, people of Yemeni Arab descent established a school called Madrasah Adabiyah Islamiyah which is very important for Yemeni Arab descendants and the community around Pasar Rebo. Madrasas also help poor people to study at these schools for free. Currently Madrasah Adabiyah Islamiyah is the favorite Islamic school and most of its students are of non-Yemeni Arab descent.


Document and Archieve
Akata Notaris Sementara Purwakarta in 1973
Akta Notaris Purwakarta in 1983
Badan Pertahanan Nasional Buku Tanah Hak Milik in 1992
Data Fasilitas Peribadatan di Wilayah Kelurahan Nagri Kidul in 2010
Data Rekapitulasi Jumlah Penduduk Kelurahan Nagrikidul in 2014
Monografi Kelurahan Nagrikidul Kec. Purwakarta in 2014
The profile of MAI
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Ir. Abadurahman Jamani,
(49 years old) The president of Al-Ikhlas Foundation

Ustadz Syalim Assegaf,
(70 years old). Teacher and an elder in Pasar Rebo

Ustadz Farid,S,Pd,I,
(50 years old) . The headmaster of Madrasah Adabiyah Islamiyah.

Ustdaz Salmin
(70 years old) Alumni and teacher Madrasah Adabiyah Islamiyah.
Hasan Bajri
(59 years old) an elder Pasar Rebo Purwakarta





