
  • Anwar Nuris IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
  • Hasbiyallah
  • Abdul Basit IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon


Wasatiyyah, Harmonious, Cirebon’s Life


This research aims to build a paradigm of Harmonious Life and Balance through the reconstruction and reactualization of Wasatiyyah values in the life of the Cirebon community in the 18th century. An interdisciplinary approach through the combination of historical, cultural, and Islamic perspectives is used to highlight changes in the values and identity of the Cirebon community amid the dynamics of the 18th century and how Wasatiyyah values can provide a deeper understanding of the transformation. Historical sources, cultural artifacts, and classical Islamic works related to Cirebon in the 18th century are critically selected to reveal the changes and continuity of Wasatiyyah values in the context of history and community life. The main contribution of this article lies in the reconstruction of Wasatiyyah values as the foundation of Cirebon community life during this period through findings involving the identification of the roles of key figures, religious practices, and manifestations of Wasatiyyah values in art, customs, and social interactions. This contribution can have an impact on forming a better understanding of the dynamics of society and the sustainability of Wasatiyyah values in the historical and cultural context of Cirebon.


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